Child Study Team


Norwood School's Child Study Team works with our parent and teacher community to assist and facilitate the learning experiences of our students. If you have a concern regarding your child's academic or social performance, please initially address your concerns with your child's classroom teacher and guidance counselor, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel that we can be of help or assistance.  

State law requires that when the school district utilizes electronic mail, parents are informed as to whether they may use electronic mail to submit requests to school officials regarding referral, identification, evaluation, classification, and the provision of a free, appropriate public education. If this is permitted, parents shall be informed of the procedures to access the electronic mail system and that they may not utilize electronic mail to provide written consent when the district provides written notice and seeks parental consent as required by N.J.A.C. 6A:14. 

Norwood Public School does not allow for the use of electronic mail for parents or staff to submit requests to school officials regarding referral, identification, evaluation, classification and the provision of free, appropriate public education all such requests must be submitted in writing.  




Dr. Kim Buxenbaum

Interim Supervisor of Special Services

 201-768-6363 x60249

Bonnie Malora


 201-768-6363 x60124



Catherine Stanzione, Ph.D.

Child Psychologist

201-768-6363 x60130



Debra Cicchetti

Social Worker

201-768-6363 x60125 



Sheila Esposito

Speech Therapist

 201-768-6363 x60207 



Linda Weissenborn

Child Study Team Secretary

201-768-6363 x60122 



Norwood School is sponsoring a Child Find campaign to locate and provide services for unserved/underserved youth, including migrant and homeless children with a delay or disability from birth through twenty-one years of age. Children may exhibit physical, mental, language, or emotional difficulties. Local District's Child Study Teams provide screening, evaluation guidance services and, if a child is found eligible, education programs. These are provided free for those who need services.
If you are concerned your child, ages 3-21, is developing or learning differently, you may call the Region III office at 201- 768-2200 ext. 12250 or the Norwood Child Study Team Office at 201-768-6363  ext. 60122.